You're a fierce Xbox NHL 10 gamer who sends his opponents to the cooler every time.} You're a hardcore player who likes the thrill of sports video game battles. You can battle it out with the cream of the crop, so it's time to demonstrate to the video game world that in Xbox NHL 10, you are unbreakable. So it's time you entered the arena, and duked it out, when you play sports video games for money. Wagering each other in sports video games for cash -- these players aren't screwing around. To really prove your dominance in the video game world, winning game after game - and your rival's money - is a sure-fire route to prove that you are the man!} Not that playing Xbox sports video games isn't great… but when you play for money, it's a lot more awesome. Now, the video game world now has the ingredient that it's been needing for a while.} Your pals may throw around the bull, but now you have the chance to expose them as the big talkers they are - placing a bankroll on the game's verdict is a real equalizer here.}
With all the testosterone being thrown around, no doubt you're ready to take on the big guns at Xbox NHL 10.} Naturally, you just yearn for to start the video game console, pull on your skates, step in to the ice and participate in the battle.} Who in hell wouldn't? However - and don't take this advice lightly - it's going to take more than just ego to take down your opponents at Xbox NHL 10.} Make sure you know what you're doing out there… make sure your trash talk doesn't exceed your abilities. Or, in simpler terms: know the game. Don't be the dumbass who goes off half-cocked, doesn't know what he's doing, and makes an ass of himself. While your "shoot first, ask questions later" method may work for you during an attempt to score some ladies at your local pub, it may not be so ideal when playing sports video games for money, which is a real test of your manhood.} So see to it that you only start up a game once you have all the strategies down pat. If you don't, and your rival does, well, there's nothing colder than being the one to lose the wager.
Once you've mastered the maneuvers of Xbox NHL 10 and it's just one hat-trick after another, get off the bench and make some real cash out of your sports video game abilities. Explore if there seem to be any worthwhile (or even worthless) enemies, and set off sending for them to go head-to-head in the rink.} Start calling out the potential foe, if you think he's getting cold feet about being iced on the rink. If there's one thing about the hardcore gamers, they don't walk away from a challenge. But in the end, we're sure you'll talk some trash, play your match, and win some cash. Xbox NHL 10 is, as to be imagined, a massive advance ahead in video hockey games. As truly incredible as the graphics to NHL 09 were, these are even more vivid and realistic. And the animation is even more fluid. NHL 10 gives hardcore gamers the best of both worlds - game play that's similar to NHL 09, along with some new upgrades that will surprise and excite even the most jaded player. A novel feature that's positive to be a much loved of video game addicts is the post-whistle action, which, as you are able to almost certainly reason, allows video game buffs have it out once the whistle is blown. Or, more to the point, if you want to get some checks and cheap shots in, the post-whistle action is your chance - and it opens the door for a good old-fashioned battle. And it's just a matter of time before your teammates come swarming to your defense and start throwing a few shots of their own, courtesy of the new level of sophistication in gaming technology.} As you might expect from the sport known for it's brawling, these fights usually collapse into a crazed free-for-all. Of course, giving the game even more flavor is the Xbox NHL 10 soundtrack.} It would be impossible to imagine any sports video game worth its salt without some hard-driving tunes to amp up the action, and Xbox NHL 10 once again delivers. Here's what NHL 10 delivers:} "Young Cardinals" by Alexisonfire, "Deathsmarch" by Cancer Bats, "Hellions on Parade" by CKY, "Golden Years" by Disco Ensemble, "Heroes of Our Time" by Dragonforce, "Anything 'Cept the Truth" by Eagles of Death Metal, "Oye Vaya" by Earl Greyhound, "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day, "Peace Sells" by Megadeth, "Wake Up! Wake Up!" by MeTalkPretty, "Keys to the City" from Ministry & Co-Conspirators, "Kids in America" by MxPx, Nickelback's "Burn It to the Ground," Papa Roach's "Into the Light," "Raccoon Eyes" by Priestess, "The Bravest Kids" from Rancid, Scorpions' rock anthem "Rock You Like a Hurricane," and "Fire It Up" by Thousand Foot Krutch. Listening to the music grants an further factor to the total experience - you'll claim you're down on the ice, taking part in the genuinething
And then simply at the point you think NHL 10 is as realistic as it can be, an added element, the intimidation tactics, make it doubly of the real deal than you might hitherto envisage.} Rough up your rival, get up in his grill, and soon enough, you'll rile the spectators. And the crowd is more animated than Charo after a double-espresso. They're an active part of the game - when something happens, they react.} Just as any group of spectators, this crowd goes nuts when their team performs well, and gets pissed when their team performs poorly. So you acquire the option to get the spectators on their feet and shouting approval for you - given that you make various unbelievable plays, for sure. There's something else you may want to consider, though maybe we're being kind of harsh here.} Look at NHL 10, then compare that to the garbage your folks played back in the day, the things they claimed were sports video games.} This was before the revolution that gave us 8-bit and then 16-bit games - 4K was as good as it got. You wanted to play sports video games in the dawn of the 80s, you played this - video game players had it rough back then:} Though any resemblance to a sports video game is purely coincidental by today's standards, these graphics were once considered cutting edge.} All you had were four men on the non-scrolling rink. A player and his goalie. You certainly couldn't select your favorite team. Nevertheless here's a thought you're not going to believe.} This game was considered one, if not the, best sports video games available, upon its release.} No kidding - that video game cartridge is the thing that gamers deprived themselves of sleep for the night playing for the period of the past.} Primitive graphics and non-existent sound effects were all the rage in '82, apparently. If you really want to get blown away, compare the two games, yesterday's and today's, side by side, though it does seem a bit unfair in some ways:}
Whichever of your ancestors was indulging in this relic was existing in the video game pre-historic times, bluntly speaking.} For that matter, the great strides ahead that happened with 8-bit home video games does not even come close to the plane of Xbox hockey game that is setting today's video game supporters aflame. If you're still not convinced, get a good look at this "oldie but a moldy": at least you can choose from six different teams. The video game world was certain that they'd reached the top with this hit Hope you're not in too much pain from that - now, take a second look at NHL 10's features, and bow down to the video game gods in gratitude. Lest you forget, all the game modes that make Xbox NHL 10 great were not happening back in the old-school sports video games.} There was no Battle for the Cup, no Playoff Mode, no Season Mode, no Be a GM or Be a Tough Guy. And if you were desiring for online gaming in the olden days? The only thing you may possibly do then was to remain desiring.} You could have six teams, flashing graphics, and very little else.
Xbox NHL 10, on the other hand, is a whole new chapter in sports video games. It was more or less expected that the reviewers all felt strongly about this one, naming Xbox NHL 10 as one of their all-time favorite sports video games.} And after seeing the game in action, you'll feel the same way - with the players' movement so realistic as they make their way around the ice, it's almost impossible to draw a distinction between a real hockey game and the video game. You gotta hand it to EA - they really nailed it with NHL 10, and set a new sports video game standard in the process.} The players' facial expressions alone are amazing - they've got more life and attitude than the cast members of your girlfriend's favorite daytime dramas. And let's not forget the fight scenes, and their incredible first-person perspective.} It's just like an actual brawl - but without causing damage to your internal organs.}
As in NHL 09, familiar voices Gary Thorne and Bill Clement join the action with their on-the-money commentary. Including these two there is zero to poke fun at, also.} Don't forget, they have quite a resume, between the two of them.} To start with there is "Clement, Clement, Hand of Cement," Bill Clement, admired NHL All-Star, and member of the ESPN family unit.} Too Clement's cohort Gary Thorne, anotherone from the ESPN team, is a exceedingly tremendous sports celebrity in his own right.} You'll be blown away when you listen to this pair's game commentary.} Xbox NHL 10 is so realistic that you'll be convinced that the duo is sitting in your living room. On top of all the other upgrades and improvements, precision passing is one that will jazz gamers of all skill levels. Now, players can really take control of the speed of the puck, a feature absent in prior NHL games. If that wasn't enough, you have the ability to bank your passes off of the board, based on your aim and strength.} Yet another innovation that's got the video game world abuzz - for the first time, Xbox NHL 10 lets gamers battle on the boards. You heard me - now, when you're in control of the puck but are pinned up against the boards, you display the opening to hinder your enemy from snagging the puck, by kick-passing it to a teammate. Then again, if the tables are turned and you're the one doing the pinning, you'll really give him a run for his money - provided you're the better man on the ice.}